Friday, July 24, 2009


RIP little Jean-Pierre, I'll miss you. I go home today from my work experience only to find that my little Jean-Pierre died during the week. he was the cutest little thing you'd ever seen. he used to moo really loudly for food and when he saw you coming with he bottle he'd squeal and wag his little tail with happiness he was so endearing. poor little baby's mum didn't want him but he didn't last very long.oh well i'll miss you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


god i am so sick of shows about teenagers and risk taking and crap. the never pick normal people its always really extreme cases they try to pass off as an average teenager. all they do is reinforce negative stereotypes it pisses me off so got all doped up idiots who have sex everyday and crap, i don't know anyone like that and i know a lot of teenagers so how can they say that is the norm?pissed off.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A real meaning to the garbage i come out with

Today i was in maths and bored out of my brain and i said to me frined i feel like ripping my eyes from my head. of course i meant hair but i go a bit confunded( a Harry Potter reference as i am getting in the zone for watching the movie on saturday).
this guy is pretty much the visual image i had in my head at that moment.

The New Lance Armstrong

I have been sleeping on the couch watching the Tour De France every night ad it has spurred me into training. In November i am doing the Great Victorian Bike which goes from Portland and ends up somewhere via the great ocean road, probably the most scenic bit of rode in Australia i am really looking forward to it. there will be live music every night and during the day i will get to soak up the sun whilst enjoying the panoramic views. so i realized after a 50km bike ride with dad that i wasn't to fit on the old bicycle so i have been in training. as well as my jogging and rowing machine and stuff i have been riding for an hour to an hour and a half every night. it has been good. I am going to be the next Lance Armstrong! sadly though i will never look as good or cool in the bike gear (hard to beat him though :D)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

heeh heeh

that's what the Dutch say as a kind of sigh. they'll sit down after a long day and say heeh heeh.
so that my metaphoric heeh heeh for my holidays.gosh it has been hectic!
after work experience i was in Melbourne for the weekend and watched the footy (yeah carn the bombers)
then i was home for a day then off to Sydney to soak up some sunshine. i was there for a week then i got home and found my stupid horse had cut its leg open grrrrr i was so upset.. my poor baby.
then i spent two days at my mates place and i saw Transformers which was pretty good then i got home yesterday afternoon and did some hard core baking then today some hard core study and so yeah heeh heeh.

I dont wanna go to school tomorrow


ok i just signed in and saw on my dashboard that i have written 100 posts- this is my 101st post. what a mile stone in my blogging career!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

3rd and 4th Installments

i thought id enjoyed the first two days,they were nothing compared to days 3 and 4!
day 3
in the morning i was in the cath lad or catherization lab.basically they use wires and contrast to see how healthy the veins and arteries are. the put wire in the femoral arterie and move it from the leg up to the heart through the arteries.when they released the contrast(special dye) you could see all the veins ans arteries ect. it was like a heart x-ray even though that is a massive contradiction.using the fluro machine you could see the heart pulse.coolest thing ever.they was bit of blood seeing as a arterie was concerned but didn't phase me. i wasnt actually in the room with the surgery going on most of the time, another room joined on with a massive window where i was with two other radiographers and a cardio tech. the three people where soooooo nice and i learned an incredible amount. when the dye was released i got to into the room as they were doing it! it was so cool!after i helped this really nice nurse clean up the table but new sheets on the bed ect she was so lovely! she even gave me a piece of slice and a muffin for morning tea!like the fluro i had to wear a lead suit to protect me from radiation. i also had to put of Scrubs and wear the shoe covers hair covers, the whole kit an kaboodle!i had an absolute blast!
after lunch i actually got to go into theater!some one was having a pacemaker pt in. the radiographer i was with was so was fascinating to watch all the surgeons,anesthetists nurses and everyone else involved in surgery.
Best ever!
the only bad bit to my day was was expensive and tasted horrible! ripped off!

Day 4

In the morning i was in nuclear medicine lab. it was unbelievable. in Nuc Med instead of using a camera that sends out the radiation waves like in x rays and everything else they actually inject radioactive stuff into patients or make them inhale radioactive particles and then monitor all the gamma rays and where they go to in the body!i got to go into where they made all the radioactive stuff-it just amazed me.the people in the Nuc Lab were super super nice too!i didn't even know such a thing all i can say!
I finally had a nice lunch! a toasted chicken ceasar wrap.i also met up with some mates for lunch so that made a considerable difference too!
in the arvo i was in MRI.geez that was bloody brilliant also.the MRI produces the most amazing images, the radiographers there picked up problems with it that even the other doctors hadn't one person had injured the 3rd cervical spine and they picked up that she also had a problem with her 6th or 7th thoracic spine (sorry this anatomy bit is probably boring).
after that i had a talk with the lady who is running my work experience. she gave me my assessment sheet back and she had given me an excellent for everything (excellent was the best possible mark).i was assessed on things like punctuality,appropriateness of attire,rapports with workmates,ability to learn,enthusiasm ect.
i was soooooo flattered and happy.
when i got home i watched some telly with black forest choccy,a perfect end to the day!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

At the Hospital days 1+2

i have had the most amazing couple of day at the hospital!
its been full on but more fun and interesting than i expected.
Day 1
so i got there at 8:30. i waited for about 20 mins for the work experience lady to come and get me.For some reason the other kid supposed to be doing work experience also didn't show?There loss!!
First off i was working in CT. You've probably seen it on TV its a big donut shaped thing that produces a 3D x-ray/image.It was really interesting, obviously i couldn't operate the machine because it was very high-tech and id screw it up and i couldn't do stuff with the patients as the really sick ones getting the CT scan. This happened to be where the sickest people in the hospital were.It was a little depressing as some people were quite young and were so sick.
for lunch i went to a cafe and ordered sushi and some how ended up with a turkey roll!? I couldn't do much as the lady didn't have good English and i didn't want to make a scene.I had a really good coffee though so that cheered me up!
next off i was in the general x-rays. It was awesome i got to play around with the x-ray machine and i got to help the radiographer do an x-ray of a foot.
I then just followed a few people around whop were doing all different x-rays.
I also got to go with two ladies to the emergency department and do a x-ray there with a mobile was a bit confronting as the guy was in a pretty bad state.
after that things were rally slow and there wasn't much to do so a couple of younger guys looked at some of the old really strange cases. For instance a guy who had got something stuck up his rectum :P and this one person who was made the wrong was as in her heart was on the right and everything else was on the opposite side of what it normally is, it was so fascinating!
i finished at about 4:30 then caught the train back to where i was staying.
i was so proud of myself for catching the tarn back (not a huge accomplishment i know but satisfying none the less)

Day 2
In the morning i was doing general x-rays. it was really cool and all the people were awesome.The wasn't much to do later in the morning so this mega nice lady said i could go with her to fluroscopy.Basically it is an x-ray but like a video, a couple of people where have some minor surgery things done and i got to be in there for that, it was an amazing experience.i had to where a lead suit to protect me from the radiation on the fluro machine. it was really heavy!
i had lunch at a nearby cafe. again i was kinda annoyed because i had some Thai noodles that were really flavorless and it cost me 10 bucks and a disgusting juice from a juice bar that was 5 bucks, such a rip.
the afternoon was petty slow.nothing much was happening so i just hung around and talked to some pretty cool people.
I left at the same time caught the train back and now am blogging.

It has been amazing so far I am really looking forward to the next couple of weeks!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Work Experience

OK it is 12:07 at the moment ant at 2:05 i depart for Melbourne for my work experience starting on Monday.
I am really looking forward to this. .I gt to do radiography at one of the countries best hospitals!
I'm a little nervous but i know once im there I'll be over it in a flash!
i have made brownies to take to the lady im staying with. I think even though its not much it is a nice thought. i think it is a very county thing to always bring a present or little something for someone.i wouldn't feel comfortable if i didn't have anything to take, i think it is just the way i was , and i don't mean to brag but, my brownies are truly exceptional! they'd win anyone over :D
OK so i just got really off track there.
the only part is that i have a lot of work to complete while I'm there and i hope i have time to complete it. English, french and humanities :P
OK i gotta go and double check i haven't forgotten anything!
oh also im not looking forward to 2 hours on the bus and 4 hours on the train but what can you do?
P.S the photos are just funny ones i found!
(me in my Playmobil hospital and doing X-rays :P!)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I love new technology. My iPod Touch is the greatest but i also love the old stuff. Dad's records are the best and i way prefer the Nintendo 64 to the Wii but i really don't like it when people call new stuff by the old names. Today some lady in Kmart asked me whether i had any "videos" that sent of the alarm. I said yes but in my head i was thinking no i don't have any videos i only have a DVD.i dunno, i dont let it ruin my day or anything its just one of those annoying things like when you say "how are you" and someone reply's "hi", you know what i mean?(i did that today at a cash register and felt like a massive stooge!)


The Low-Down

Today i had the day of school. YAY!(I had and orthodontist appointment)

I rode Prince in the morning then dad and i went to M.G. My appoinintment wasnt till 3:00 so i had time to do some shopping for Wrok Experience next week.I felt like such a consumerist though because i bought a fair bit of stuff(everyone should be spoiled once in a while??).I am glad to say that it was all practical stuff though.

My teeth really hurt because i got bands put on to my braces so i have been having persistent headaches all afternoon.

I had a run-in with those stupid anti-shoplifter sensors in Kmart. It went off as i walked into the shop. The offending article was a DVD of my friends that was in my bag(wherever she bought it from didn't take of the security device).

I got home to see that my poor baby had a cone thing on him. Cobee got de-sexed today and i forgot all about it so it was a bit of a shock. He looks so funny with the cone thing on. Mum says he has to wear it for TEN DAYS!! That's ages, i suppose betting than him pulling out his stitches though!

I have inter school sports tomorrow that my team isn't going to win but oh well, what can you do?

better get some shut-eye


oh also i forgot.I had a coffee today from Gloria Jean's and its really annoying how you have to put the lid on the cup yourself because i spilled a lot of mine on my hand (hot coffee hurts!!!)
on the upside it was really nice

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Day In Haikus

On the cold bus
With my strong coffee
Long for warmth

At school now
Take books to locker
oh so heavy!

Sit with friends
Oh,I dread the bell
No,not P.E!

Troop to the gym
Volleyball we are to do
Go our team!

Alas,not so
The team is defeated
Fourteen downs ten

Recess, reprieved!
Yum, vanilla muffin
Red Pear too

Maths is next
Am good at indicies
I finish quickly

I Love Lunch
Sushi on today's menu
Very satisfying

Ball in ring
It just won't happen!
I hate netball

English up now
Are working on assignment
Is "Deadly, Unna?"

Germans invade!
This is Humanities
World War Two

The final bell
How sweet the sound!
Time for home

On the computer
Homework before I blog
Finally finish

Write a list
Cool and uncool
It's accurate

Lie in bed
Haiku's, so beautiful
Warms my heart

Things That Are UNCOOL

1. T-Shirts with stupid sayings (ah the beauty of irony)

2.Novelty Aprons

3.Swine Flu

4.Utes that are "hotted up"


6. Teenage Boys who reckon they're sweet

7. "cute" animal pics


9.Mobile Phone addicts


Things That Are COOL

1.Fairy Bread


3.Tea cups


5.The 40's




9.Teachers that are entertaining and educational...(probably NOT his one...)

10.French Films

I thought of this one after i had posted this but it needs to be included!

11.Red hair

Friday, June 12, 2009

The big day

Today I am off to state! Actually in about half an hour! I am mega mega excited but also really nervous ..... Mums telling me to hurry up so. Can't write any more. Wish me luck :D !!!